Sunday, April 6, 2008


My baby Eric turns 16 months on the 9th of this month.

Doesn't sound like a milestone?

Well, it is to a mother whose only other 2 sons developed moderately severe Autism between the ages of 14 to 16 months.

I maintain that if Eric has not developed Autism by the 9th of this month, he will not develop it.

So far apart from the one staring episode he had months back and the one incidence of rocking that could have been explained away by the fact that he had a slight ear infection, Eric had not exhibited any signs or symptoms of Autism.

His head size stayed within normal limits for a child of his age (see earlier post on head size), and his crawling remained symetrical although now he walks more than he crawls.

He also looks at the items that he desires, he doesn't just hold his hand out to try to retrieve them.

His balance remains good and he puts his hands out to catch himself when he trips.

Those were all early signs of Autism and they have appeared in my children who later became Autistic.

We are going to be having one heck of a party in 4 days, so I had better go and bake a cake.

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