Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Likelihood of Eric Getting Autism

Today is the 9th of April.

It is a great day for us.

My baby Eric has not converted to Autism.

That puts my stats at 50%.

I have 3 children with Autism and 3 children without Autism.

I am particularly pleased that Eric did not make the conversion as it will be nice to have one son who is not Autistic.

As he gets older, unless one of his older sisters take it up, he will be the child who will probably make the decisions regarding his older siblings care when I am no longer able to look after them.

I would like to thank all of those who stood by me during the last six months regarding Eric and dried my tears and tried to soothe my worries about Eric becoming Autistic.

It has been an extremely stressful six months for me and I am glad it is over.

And for all of those who joined my family and I in prayer a special thank you for your faith and courage helped me through.

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