Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So Much For Spring

Just when I thought that the weather was going to get warmer, today was one of the coldest days I can remember in a long time.
And as luck would have it, the household is starting to come down sick again.
Started with a nasty cough and now I have a couple with runny noses. Of course, that doesn't improve their disposition as some of them really object to having their noses wiped and it has to be done at frequent intervals. Eric's was like a faucet today and if there is one thing I can't stand it is that.
I should have taken a photo today to post on the site.
I think Eric is going to be an interior designer.
He raced around my kitchen today and went through all the lower cupboards, opening, pulling out, going through everything he could reach.
It looked like a war zone by the time he had finished with the plastic bags cupboard and then he just sat there in the middle of this surveying all he had done, looking mighty pleased with himself too I might add.
When he got to the garbage bin though, he turned around, looked me in the eye and shook his finger at me and said"no, no, no".
I was pretty impressed. He finally understands that he can't play in the garbage I thought, but, my joy was short lived, for, he promptly turned around and plunged his hand in.
That is when I figured out what the no, no, no was about, he was telling me not to take him away from the garbage bin.
Smart little fella.
Luckily as it is Wednesday, Rachel was at home and we were quickly able to restore the place to rights.
Apparently the weather here is going to be 32 degrees tomorrow.
I will believe that when I see it.
Where I don't have snow isn't worth having it and after the freeze, melt, freeze, melt weather we have been having, the driveway is packed with ice.
I give it a go when time allows as I am very conscientous about removing the ice where the kids are walking. Last thing I need is for one of them to slip and crack their heads.
I was very fortunate or should I say they were fortunate that none of them have the seizure disorder sometimes found in people with Autism and I sure don't want a crack on the skull to bring on any additional health problems.
I tried salt last year but it seemed to start leaving little pockmarks in the driveway and it proved too much of a temptation for Kathleen.
Thought about going out there with a hair dryer and seeing if I could melt it off that way.
But, I thought passersby may think me a little odd and I figure sure as eggs are eggs, the day I do that, it will snow that night.
Oh well
Spring will be here soon, I hope.

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