Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Educating About Autism

One thing that you need when you suspect that your child has Autism is information.

You are not going to get far without it. You have many questions and you need answers fast.
There is a lot of information out there, some of it helpful, some of it misleading.

There are many reasons why your child could have developed Autism.

I have personally come to the conclusion with the eight years of research that I have done, that some children are genetically disposed to it and then their is an environmental trigger and this is why different children with Autism, react differently with different treatment modalities.

My two eldest sons were immunized and developed Autism but Kathleen who has Autism also, was never vacinated. So what caused her Autism?

At this stage, I don't know.

I am hoping to try her on the NAET and see if the removal of any allergens will help her.
I do know that having her father incarcerated certainly improved her social skills and reduced her frustrated screaming. I just wish that I had been able to do it sooner.

There is a book that I highly recommend for information on everything you might need to know about Autism, signs and symptoms, treatment modalities for the range of children on the Autism Spectrum. It is well worth a look and acts as a good reference guide for me.

It is by Rachel Evans and it is called The Essential Guide To Autism.

It helped me get started on the road to recovery of my children and I am pleased to report that they are doing just beautifully.

Each of them in their own way is starting to spend more time with us and less time in their own little world.
It is such a relief to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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