Thursday, March 6, 2008

NAET Treatments

Off we went this morning with a young man who was very grateful not to be going to school today.
He didn't run away when I got out his clothes so I believe that he understood it was Thursday and he was going to have the NAET treatments to help his autism.
We went off to the coffee shop as per normal routine and he ordered his usual cookie and milk please.
He was keen to get going and hurried us up by getting up and going to the door.
I discussed with Kay a medical problem that he has been having and we had worked on it previously.
She communicated with him for some time and said that he was telling her that it was related to an incident at school where John was being harassed and he had felt sad and a little frightened for him.
The only incident that I knew of was a while back when another child was antagonizing John in the playground.
I don't think it was related to that incident but this is a big kid and maybe something happened at a different time.
Anyway, she elected to work on this emotional issue.
It took three times of going through the treatment before she decided that it was done.
He was well behaved and did some talking while he was there which is normal.
We went to lunch and he got upset as he had dropped some food on the floor and I didn't want him to climb under the table and he did some yelling.
He was only calmed when the item was retrieved and discarded.
After that we went to Albertsons to do some bulk shopping.
He was a different kid.
Normally Nathan just follows me around, may stop to look at something that is interesting to him but, he is able to easily be moved.
Forget that today.
Off he went, down the aisle and around the corner.
It was as if he was looking for something.
Same thing happened at Kmart.
He waited for me to pay but then he headed for the door and he was going and I couldn't get him to wait.
Finally I sent him out to the car and Blondie and watched him cross the road.
When he got there he was laughing.
It was almost as if, he was exerting his independence.
So much for the agreeable, even tempered little boy that I was used to.
Maybe now I will have to make some changes too.
If this is the road to recovery, I guess it is gonna get a bit bumpy but, we will get through it if it leads to no autism.
As Blondie said on the way home, he seems more interested in what is going around him.
He turned up the tv in Kmart so I guess he is not too far from the little boy I know and love.

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